Sunday, June 12, 2011

Its Swim time

This week we rode our bikes to the gym and took the kids swimming. Bradley is just like his daddy and doesn't like to swim. Both of our eyes are closed but it totally describes how he feels about the water.

Kiersten is a natural and loves to swim. She kicks and splashes really well. a few times I have put just Bradley in the daycare and got some mommy and me time alone with Kiersten in the pool swimming.


  1. Looks like you all had some fun! I can't wait to take Derrick to the pool and ocean. =D

  2. isn't it strange to see how different two kids can feel about water? Catcher used to scream and cry and hate baths or water of any kind, he sinces seems to be a little better about it, but Darla LOVES water, although like Maggie she only likes it if it doesn't touch anywhere above her neck, never wants her face or hair wet. Elaine though, she is part fish i think, she'll swim in it no matter how cold.
