Sunday, May 22, 2011

FairyTale town with cousins

A few weeks back we met my Mom Patti, Sisters Shannon and Danielle, and my two nephews Eli and Jackson at Fairytale Town in Sacramento. Here are a LOT of pictures from our day:
Left to Right- Jackson, Eli, Kiersten, and Bradley. It was really hard to get all of them to look at the camera at the same time.Jackson and Kiersten looking at the goats together. They were pretty good buddies that day.

Grandma Patti and the twins riding riding a teeter totter type ride.
Eli and the twins pulling Grandma and Jackson on the Cinderella coach.

It was really hard to get Jackson in the pictures so here are the three grand kids on the throne. Running around a TeePee.

At the end of Fairytale town we had a picnic lunch and then fed the ducks and geese at the pond. We had a very fun day!

Oh and Jackson and Kiersten enjoyed chasing all the squirrels up the trees. I have several pictures of both Kiersten and Jackson chasing squirrels but not in the same picture.

Bike riding and evil geese.

Since Bradley has been getting in trouble at the gym daycare, I thought it was time to break out the old bike and trailer and go for a ride! Do my workout with out a gym. For the most part they enjoyed themselves. They of course hated the helmets but soon forgot them and left them alone. The first day we rode down town to the college to bring Adam something he forgot at home. Then the three of us went and played at the Children's Park downtown to let them stretch their legs. After a little while I heard some thunder from clouds that were passed but it still made me nervous so we went home.
A few days later we braved the duck pond that I had been wanting to go to for a long time now. The previous times I had been there I remembered extremely pushy geese that hissed if you didn't feed them fast enough. Adam's finals were finished so the four of us went off to the pond. The geese were as viscous as ever and we had to stomp at a few of them to leave us alone but the kids really enjoyed seeing so many ducks, geese, goslings, and pigeons.Here is Bradley at the end of our ride with some serious helmet hair!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Garden a month in.

A lot has changed in my tiny garden!!
It has suffered through an army of angry attack snails, two toddler with sticks that poke at it, and sometimes my small shovel, a frost in APRIL, and a crazy windy day!
Rosemary never bloomed, daisies and carrots disappeared, daffodils never recovered, and my tomato snapped right of with the wind.
So what am I left with?
15 potatoes plants! 9 zucchini sprouts! a watermelon showing up almost TWO MONTHS after it was planted, a holey jalapeno, a new batch of carrot sprouts, and a strawberry topsy turvey who keeps losing leaves left and right!

I bought a cantaloupe plant to take the place of my watermelon seeds that never sprouted and it died right away! When we came home from a weekend away a watermelon popped up right next to the dead cantaloupe so I guess its a good thing it didn't last.
Yesterday I was noticing in my garden what gets sun and what doesn't throughout the whole day and my potatoes only get sun through the cracks of my fence. This is good because the bag says to protect it from heat and make sure they stay cool.
I finally determined the daffodils to be dead and took them out and spaced my zucchinis out a little. While poking around i discovered ANOTHER zucchini sprouting- holy cow! Anyone want a zucchini plant?? If not I am going to have to make a HUGE batch of zucchini bread!!

So what do I do with the bulbs from the daffodils? Can I save them for next year? Do I dry them out?

Easter Fun!

I know Easter passed a few weeks ago but better late than never!! We had a great Easter weekend. We stayed up in Chico instead of going down to Modesto to see family. We had THREE hunts and the kids loved every second of them!
The first was in Durham on Saturday and we met our twins club there. Kiersten realized there was candy inside the eggs so she started popping open all of the eggs and trying to eat them while Bradley hoarded every egg he could!
Later that day I put Easter eggs that looked like soccer, football, basket balls, and baseballs out on the hill next to our apartment. Kiersten was a little bummed that there wasn't chocolate inside but still loved to find them. She's a chocoholic just like her mom! Bradley did the classic steal eggs out of another kids basket when Kiersten wasn't watching.
When they came inside the Easter bunny had visited them and left goody baskets for all of us. The Bunny was nice and gave me Zumba sticks instead of a solid chocolate bunny : ) We decided to have the Easter Bunny visit on Saturday so we could think of our Savior on Sunday morning.
We had dinner with the Doughman's that evening and had another hunt. We let the twins go first before the bigger kids but the twins had become pros from the first two so we let the other 6 kids come out and they definitely held their own!
After the last hunt I opened all the kids eggs and pawned them off on the big kids so we didnt have a ton of candy and jelly beans left to bring home!