The kid's bedtime is anywhere from 7-8pm. My bedtime is like 10-11. The kids have always been good sleepers so I go in to check in on them and give them a last kiss before I head to bed. They sometimes stir but never wake up. This last week we had three very eventful bedtimes!
First event I went to check on them and the kids had taken off Kiersten's sheet on the bed and she was sleeping on the floor. I picked her up and put her in Bradley's bed while I fixed her sheets. I left the room to get something and came back to them cuddling like this.
They were so cute I left them like that and they stayed that way all night until they woke up the next morning.
Second event: They had taken the sheet off the bed again so Kiersten was on the floor. They love to lay under the fitted sheet and play peek a boo. Its pretty funny to watch actually. They did it one day while I was in their room putting laundry away. Anyways! So Kiersten is also in this phase of I want to wear big girl panties and not diapers. She takes off her diapers and tries to put any clothes on her bum instead- pants with both legs in one hole, a shirt through the neck, big girl panties, etc. So I come in her room and she has one of bradley's shirts on her bum and the diaper next to her. I'm glad I cam in to check on them! She would have peed all over the carpet the whole night.
And third, I dont have a picture of. On our one day trip to Modesto we stayed with our good friends Tom and Laurie. We have pack and plays for the kids but they have outgrown them. So K climbed out of her cage and into Bradley's. Adam caught her and separated them again. Then she got out again and taught Bradley how to get out. They trashed our friends spare room together before K climbed back in hers and left Bradley to fall asleep on the floor. I was at the movies with my friend Tara so I didnt see anything happen. I did see the aftermath though. lol I just hope they invite us to come stay with again!!
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