Saturday, July 4, 2009

Blog guilt...

I woke up about 2 hours ago with a huge headache, sore throat and a stuffy nose...Great. So now I am waiting for Adam to get up for work (he'll join me in about 15 minutes) Adam works at Target unloading the trucks and stocking the shelves.
Anyways, I've just been up reading various blogs thinking that reading will make me sleepy but it actually made me even more awake. So after reading I feel guilty about my own blog! Normal blogs are just updates on life, kids, work, whatever. Mine is a random tangent mess. Oh well! Although, reading blogs made me want to take more pictures of life and write more about Bradley and Kiersten (our twins).
So the newest update with our babies is yesterday I realized we are going to have a very pretty boy! We have started to collect baby clothes from friends and my sister and we have only girl clothes!! Well, I bought some boy clothes off of craigslist but its a fraction to all the girl clothes we have. I got a bag of baby clothes from my friends sister in law and I thought they were going to be boy clothes because I thought she had a boy for some reason. Anyways- there were tons of pink outfits and I started laughing and said to Adam- we are gonna have a naked boy or a very pretty boy haha. I am very grateful for all the help and items we've been getting for our babies. Our ward has been absolutly awesome! I think this is my favorite ward that I have lived in.
So I last blogged about me having another Dr's app't. It went really well. I told the Dr that I feel so big and my hips hurt so badly. He laughed and said well, your gonna feel 12 mo pregnant by the time your done because your already measuring at 8 months for a single baby. On the ultrasound it showed the twins had their heads together in the middle and their feet at each end. I think Kiersten is the one who is kicking me the most at the top of my belly and bradley is the villian who kicks my bladder! That is one of the wierdest feelings when he kicks there! It is fun watching the babies move around and seeing the bumps all over my tummy. I keep trying to get Adam to watch the bumps but he always looks away right before it happens. You know one of the funniest things is when you try to get someone to feel and the babies stop moving right when they touch your belly. Happens all the time for Adam. Sometimes when they wont stop moving so I can get comfortable, I tell Adam to come calm down the kids because they stop moving so quickly when he's there.
Well, I think that's all for now. Adam just got up for work so I'm gonna go.

1 comment:

  1. don't feel bad about it being random... my whole blog is dedicated to whatever random rumination that I happen to think about
