Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Homemade Paint

Kiersten LOVES to paint. I have been looking for a good home made paint recipe on Pinterest  to do for our preschool.
I thought I found a good one today but of course, as normal, Pinterest hates me.
I'll give it some credit though, it made for an awesome finger paint and was super duper cheap. Unfortunately, I am looking for a thinner paint like a tempera consistency.

So the recipe is as following:

1c flour
2 TBSP Salt
1 1/2 c cold water
1 1/2c hot water
food coloring.

Mix flour, salt, and cold water until there are no lumps. Add hot water then bring to a boil. Once its thickened, remove from heat. Split up into as many bowl as you want then add food coloring to your desire.
The author said to store leftovers in the fridge but she had no clue why.

I doubled the recipe and made five different colors and all three of us used it and we STILL had tons of left overs.  

 Here is what the paint looked like. It had a pudding like consistency and was rather thick...

 It didn't work too well to paint on our wood crafts.

But Kiersten LOVED playing with it as a finger paint.

Now I am going to break the cardinal rule of a twin mom... Don't compare your twins to each other. I have noticed from preschool that Bradley loves to sit still and work on his letters and practice writing his name. Kiersten hates it and has a very short attention span and gets frustrated very easily.
Kiersten is not really good at her letters yet and really struggles when we practice them.

On the flip side, Kiersten can sit still for over an hour and play with paints and art hands on crafts. Bradley on the other hand has a very short attention span and can only sit still for a short time. He also doesn't listen well to instructions. For example yesterday I had to say two to three times, "Bradley! Stop stealing my sharpie and drawing on the table!" Little stinker knows where they are hidden!

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