Saturday, September 8, 2012

Third Birthday!

Bradley and Kiersten turned three years old last month! It was the first week of school so we knew it was going to be super busy. Adam had about an hour from when he got home from student teaching to when he had to start his night class. We had a party in Modesto with my sisters and nephews (pictures to come when I get them from my sister) We got the kids their favorite dinner- Papa Murphies, then we picked up a cupcake each from B&N (free cupcake for kids for their birthday). We took them home, sang to them, opened gifts, and then Adam was out the door. Bradley got a tool kit set. As you can tell, he was SO EXCITED!!
Kiersten got Bambi, which by the way, is a super scary movie!!
Singing to the kids. They wanted to have a Dora and Diego cupcake. About a month ago while visiting Modesto, we found cupcakes in the bakery with little plastic heads of Dora, Boots, and Diego. Lucky for us, they forgot about them so they were so excited to see them!

1 comment:

  1. Super cute! Happy belated birthday to them both! Oh, and I just rediscovered Bambi! Chris had never seen it so it was a MUST watch. And you're right, it is scary! Wondering alone in the snow without your mom? Scary wolves trying to attack your wife? Goodness, ridiculous!
