Sunday, September 5, 2010

First Camping Trip!

Adam had Leadership training for Chico State Band so we thought we should make it a family event. We went camping at Bucks Lake and had a ton of fun! The twins were mad that they couldn't crawl on the ground and play with the fire but they loved sliding down our air mattress in the huge tent we borrowed from our neighbors at home. When they did training I took the twins and went on walks or played in the tent with them and Saturday I drove to Quincy.

We got two clip-on high chairs and put them on the picnic table and put place mats down. They worked so well!! I could not get both Bradley and Kiersten to look at me at the same time!


  1. you are brave! But glad it turned out so well. I love taking my kids camping but it's really hard until they're about 2 because they're not real steady on their feet until then. The crawling stage i found especially hard to take camping because the whole wanting to crawl around i'm glad it went so well for you, smart idea with those clip on high chairs!
