First: rip open the box and add all the ingredients. She loved putting in applesauce instead of oil and kept talking about the applesauce the entire time.
Second: turn on the mixer.
She loves turning the kitchen aid on and watching it spin. More than anything, she loves squeezing the poor eggs to death and making it splatter everywhere. If I can get to the eggs before her, I crack it and then have her help me open the shell into a separate bowl.
Third: Pour batter into the pans....or spoon everything in very slowly haha.
Fourth and most important to a toddler: Lick the bowl clean. She even got some in her hair because she stuck her head all the way in the bowl.
Tonight I had her help me make German Pancakes for dinner- her favorite because it required SIX eggs! Yahoo she was in heaven!
She practically did everything too!! She unwrapped the butter all by her self, had some assistance cracking the eggs but she poured them into the kitchen aid bowl, then poured the flour and milk in by herself.
Yay my little Betty Crocker is growing up so fast!