We decided that when the kids turned two the pacifiers had to go!
I started weaning them a month ago and they were only allowed to use them at night time and not throughout the day. I put two nails in the wall above the light switch in their room. Before they were allowed to leave the room after nap or bedtime they had to hang their pacifiers up. They hated it at first but began to love it after a while. They would ask to put it up and visit it through out the day and said Bye pat pat Nigh nigh! And they would wave to it.
Today we sat the kids down and explained they were big boy/girl now and don't need them anymore. I set two bowls out on the couch and had them put it in the bowls by themselves. They said their goodbyes and we left for breakfast.
Kiersten got a chalk board and a white board easel and a bucket of chalk for his birthday. I hate chalk and my handwriting is terrible lol.
Bradley got a remote control Thomas the Train set with 6 cars total and a bunch of tracks.
Nap time was ok. They fussed for a while and but fell asleep ok. Tonight was torture!!! They pulled out all their drawers, through clothes everywhere, screamed, pushed the beds around- my goodness!! I eventually went back to the first toddler bed night routine of standing in the corner. The screamed hysterically for about an hour and then gave up through exhaustion.
I am SO grateful I took the pacifiers with us in my pocket to the restaurant. I threw them away there so I wouldn't be tempted to find them, clean them off, and give them back. Adam of course gets home from school about half hour later haha.