Monday, December 14, 2009
The babies meeting Santa
We had our ward party Saturday night were the babies met Santa. My sister called me a dorky mom for taking these pics but they are cute! Our "favorite Aunt" can get over herself :)
Here are the twins very cute Santa outfit pictures. Bradley's hat was too small for him and Kiersten's hat was too big- so I switched their hats- problem solved :)

The Babies blessings
On Sunday the 6th we finally blessed the babies in Church. We were not taking them out in public yet because they were premies and we wanted to wait till they had their first of the RSV vaccines. We also planned it on a time where Adam had a concert so family coming from out of town could hear him perform. It was an amazing performance! The concert ran an hour and a half and was a Christms special that had every ensemble or group from the music department. There wasn't an intermission so it was 90 minutes of fun with maybe 5 secconds inbetween one performace ending and the next begining. This is a picture of Adam with his Dad and stepmom:
So Sunday we had the blessings. Their outfits were made by my Mother-in-Law Donna and we expected Kiersten to be bigger so she was swimming in her tiny dress but the outfits were beautiful. We went to church for the first time with them and then left after Sacrament to have a family lunch for the those that had to leave back to the airport. When two came almost everybody had left by then or shortly after so it made for a crazy weekend with a quiet Sunday night.
This is everyone who came out for the blessings. Again, it was a big group!
And these are the guys who blessed our babies- minus our awesome bishop and Bro Doughman (who we have adopted as family in Chico) They were still at church.
After all the craziness of the lunch, my sister Savannah went to the dumpster to throw something away and found a 5 foot Christmas tree someone had thrown away. It looks like someone got too big of a tree and cut it in half and threw the other part away. The top is an abrupt stop but we put our angel on the top of the stump. Savannah went dumpster diving for me and got it out haha. There is a tree farm not too farm up the hill from us where you can chop your own tree down for $10 so I'm guessing that's what happened.
Anyways, we had a great weekend with My dad and Adam's Dad both flying out a few days early to be there.
Anyways, we had a great weekend with My dad and Adam's Dad both flying out a few days early to be there.
3 month pictures
We took he babies to the mall to get their 3 month pictures taken.It was a mess! I have learned my lesson to not get pictures done at Christmas time after 5 in a mall. We waited three hours- I totally expected maybe an hour and a half. But we did get a good price on them! We only had to pay for one sheet with a coupon and the promotions. 
Bradley was hungry and fussy and we didn't get too many smiles out of him. This was one of the two smiles.

But Kiersten was laughing and having a great time.

Bradley was hungry and fussy and we didn't get too many smiles out of him. This was one of the two smiles.

But Kiersten was laughing and having a great time.

Monday, November 30, 2009
three months
Bradley and Kiersten are now three months old! We had pictures done of the twins with their three other cousins last weekend and as soon as I get copies, I'll post them on here. We are going to take their 3 month pictures hopefully this week sometime but its going to be a busy week!
The twins are finally going to be blessed in church this week. We wanted to wait a while before bringing them to church and also for all the family coming out of town, we wanted it scheduled for a weekend that Adam has a concert. Unfortunatly, this concert is the Glory of Sounds series and he is busy every night Thursday thru Sunday. It is a wonderful concert! A little pricey, but its the main scholarship fundraiser of the year and because Adam is a reciepiant of those scholarships- you should attend!! : ) Anyways, our families from out of state are coming Thursday and Friday with those in state coming up Saturday. Its a busy weekend and I am excited to see my Dad who lives in Maryland!!
So onto the twins! Both of them have started to laugh and smile within the last week or two. The other night I woke up at 2 am to feed Bradley and as soon as I picked him up he got this huge grin and didn't want to eat at all! He just giggled and smiled and was kicking around. It deffinitly makes getting up in the night worth it but listen buddy! It's 2 am so you should eat and then we'll play in the morning! Haha. His favorite bouncer is one that rocks and when you put him on the linoleum in the kitchen he really gets going! He kicks his feet like he's peddling a bike and he rocks like crazy! Every time I try to record it he stops rocking and then when I put the camera down he starts again.
Kiersten is finally out of newborn clothes! She reached 8 pounds this week and Bradley is 12. She constantly smiles and is a daddy's girl. She doesn't develop as fast as Bradley but then again he is 1/3 bigger than her! It is so fun to put her in tons of dresses now that she fits 0-3 so for Thanksgiving and this Sunday when we went to the Doughmans, she was wearing a dress!
We had such a great Thanksgiving with the Doughman family this year! We played flag football in the morning, played games and did crafts and had cinnamon rolls after, and then ate a huge meal later that day. After dinner one of their traditions is to do a family talent show. The oher two families did skits and Adam played his trumpet- I watched : )
After the talent show we gathered around the piano as Stacy played piano and Adam played the trumpet and we all sang Christmas carols. It was such a great night!!
OK, so the picture of day for the blog is this one
I put them into bed with me when Adam gets up for work or school ( he normally gets up at 3 for work but till Christmas its 1:30) So after I do mostly the only feed in the night they come to bed where they sleep longer. However, The last couple of nights Kiersten has slept all night until or 7. Now we just need to get Bradley to do that! Anyways, Bradley is mostly the one who loves to snuggle Kiersten but the other day they both were hungry and I went to get their food ready and when I came back, Kiersten was sucking on the back of his head and he was screaming. It was so cute and I just started laughing.
The twins are finally going to be blessed in church this week. We wanted to wait a while before bringing them to church and also for all the family coming out of town, we wanted it scheduled for a weekend that Adam has a concert. Unfortunatly, this concert is the Glory of Sounds series and he is busy every night Thursday thru Sunday. It is a wonderful concert! A little pricey, but its the main scholarship fundraiser of the year and because Adam is a reciepiant of those scholarships- you should attend!! : ) Anyways, our families from out of state are coming Thursday and Friday with those in state coming up Saturday. Its a busy weekend and I am excited to see my Dad who lives in Maryland!!
So onto the twins! Both of them have started to laugh and smile within the last week or two. The other night I woke up at 2 am to feed Bradley and as soon as I picked him up he got this huge grin and didn't want to eat at all! He just giggled and smiled and was kicking around. It deffinitly makes getting up in the night worth it but listen buddy! It's 2 am so you should eat and then we'll play in the morning! Haha. His favorite bouncer is one that rocks and when you put him on the linoleum in the kitchen he really gets going! He kicks his feet like he's peddling a bike and he rocks like crazy! Every time I try to record it he stops rocking and then when I put the camera down he starts again.
Kiersten is finally out of newborn clothes! She reached 8 pounds this week and Bradley is 12. She constantly smiles and is a daddy's girl. She doesn't develop as fast as Bradley but then again he is 1/3 bigger than her! It is so fun to put her in tons of dresses now that she fits 0-3 so for Thanksgiving and this Sunday when we went to the Doughmans, she was wearing a dress!
We had such a great Thanksgiving with the Doughman family this year! We played flag football in the morning, played games and did crafts and had cinnamon rolls after, and then ate a huge meal later that day. After dinner one of their traditions is to do a family talent show. The oher two families did skits and Adam played his trumpet- I watched : )
After the talent show we gathered around the piano as Stacy played piano and Adam played the trumpet and we all sang Christmas carols. It was such a great night!!
OK, so the picture of day for the blog is this one
Thursday, November 12, 2009
First shots
We took Bradley and Kiersten to the pediatrician today for their first shots! We took this picture right after they both had their shots.

They screamed during the shots but right to sleep afterwards. Bradley had a very cute outfit on but we had to change everything! What a mess... Then Kiersten had really cute pants and shoes but they couldn't have shots with pants on and she lost a shoe..somewhere- hopefully I'll find it in the car.
So Bradley weighs 11 pounds and is in the 55 percentile and the doctor said she thought she felt that he was cutting two teeth because his gums were swollen. That would explain why he constantly wants to be held and is fussy. That's really early! Ahh!
Our tiny Kiersten weighs 7 1/2 pounds and is in the 5th percentile so we need to beef her up- candy bars and soda- yum! Haha just kidding but we need to add extra calories to her milk.
And while we were there, Adam got the h1n1 vaccine because he comes into contact with sick college students.
Oh and to add to the last blog- Our camera flash isn't working so I couldn't take a picture at the trunk or treat. I took this picture at our house before we left. We were Adam and Kate plus eight. Here is Bradley and Kiersten with their other six "siblings".
They screamed during the shots but right to sleep afterwards. Bradley had a very cute outfit on but we had to change everything! What a mess... Then Kiersten had really cute pants and shoes but they couldn't have shots with pants on and she lost a shoe..somewhere- hopefully I'll find it in the car.
So Bradley weighs 11 pounds and is in the 55 percentile and the doctor said she thought she felt that he was cutting two teeth because his gums were swollen. That would explain why he constantly wants to be held and is fussy. That's really early! Ahh!
Our tiny Kiersten weighs 7 1/2 pounds and is in the 5th percentile so we need to beef her up- candy bars and soda- yum! Haha just kidding but we need to add extra calories to her milk.
And while we were there, Adam got the h1n1 vaccine because he comes into contact with sick college students.
Oh and to add to the last blog- Our camera flash isn't working so I couldn't take a picture at the trunk or treat. I took this picture at our house before we left. We were Adam and Kate plus eight. Here is Bradley and Kiersten with their other six "siblings".
Monday, November 2, 2009
Pumpkin carving time!
I don't know how to post pictures in my blog so let's see how this goes! So for Halloween, I thought it wold be really cute since the twins are still so small, that I put them in the hollow pumpkins and take pictures.
As you can tell, Kiersten wasn't very happy and it wasn't a cute Anne Geddes moment.
Bradley kept arching his back because the pumpkin was cold.
and this was the best picture of them together. We had a lot of fun even though they didn't, but they were still so cute!
As you can tell, Kiersten wasn't very happy and it wasn't a cute Anne Geddes moment.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Long awaited update
As everyone knows, a lot has happened since my last update!
I went to the Doctors the Wednesday before my trip down to Sacramento (where I did get my delicious strawberry slush!) and the doctor said I had pre-eclampsia and put me on bedrest. So the next day I went to Sacramento for my umbilical artery doppler study and the dr said that one of the placentas- he wasn't sure because he couldn't see the membrane walls- had "holes" all over it and whichever baby was getting decreased oxygen and nutrition and the placenta would probably hold out for another week at the most. When they took my blood pressure at the end of the appointment, because I told him I has pre-eclampia, my blood pressure was dangerously high causing more stress to the unstable baby. So the doctor gave me the choice of staying in Sacramento at UC Davis and having the twins today or drive home to Chico and have my family and friends near and deliver that weekend. He said I was stable enough to go home and if I stayed in Sacramento I might have more stress being away from home so he recommended to go back to chico.
Well, my doctor thought I was staying in Sacramento. I drive straight to the hospital in Chico were they have no orders for me. They put me in a hospital room and wait to hear back from the doctor and I might get transported back down to Sacramento because I am only 33 weeks. So my dr decides to keep me in Chico and to deliver the babies Saturday after two days of steroid injections for theirs lungs to develop. Kiersten was too small and fragile to deliver naturally so I had a c-section. Saturday morning was extremely hectic and I was on a medicine that made me feel horrible, extremely hot, and VERY thirsty. They said I couldn't have anything to eat or drink after midnight and I was so thirsty I kept begging my nurse for ice chips it was really funny because I had never been so desperate in my entire life!
My c-section was rough! By this point I didn't care about needles anymore because I had already had two IV catheters, multiple unsuccessful IV sticks, and at least two blood draws. So the surgery sets up and the spinal block was in place and we were jut waiting for it to take affect and me to be numb so they kept asking can you feel this-poke- yep! so about the 4th time I said, umm a little less- OK! Lets start the surgery! So they start and I can feel on my right side and I start freaking out because Adam isn't in there and I can feel what they were doing. They brought Adam in and he did his best to distract me and it just wasn't working so after two additional doses on anesthesia they kicked Adam out and put me under. They had taken the babies out at this point so Adam followed the nurses and went with the babies while my doctor closed me up under general anesthesia.
I woke up two hours later with horrible shakes and a sore throat. I was so afraid to see the babies because I thought if I held them I would drop them because I was shaking so badly. They went and got Adam because I was somewhat coherent. He had two polariod pictures of the babies and he told me about how they were doing and said when they were born they both were not breathing because I had so much anesthesia. They intubated Kiersten and a second later she pulled it out, so they put a CPAP on her nose which is an oxygen device that forces air into the lungs. That lasted maybe five minutes so all she had on her was an IV line in her umbilical stump. Bradley had a cpap still on and an IV line also. So with that information he said- guess which baby is which...and then the nurse said Bradley is this one!! pointing to a picture- she ruined the surprise but it was ok since I was still kinda out of it.
While in surgery and recovering I hemorrhaged and I had to have 2 transfusions. By the point they realized that my hemoglobin was still dropping, they had already taken out my IV. I had three nurses try for over an hour to find a vein on both arms. Someone who specialized putting IV's in gave me the choice of an IV in my neck or a pic-line. Can you guess which one I went for?? There is no way that I would sit still and not freak out for an iv being placed in my neck! So a picline is a two foot catheter that goes in your bicep into your vein and travels to the artery in your lungs. It is usually reserved for long term patients or those in Intensive care but since my hemoglobin was a 6 and for women the normal is in between 12-15, I had to have one put in. I think that was the scariest part of my whole stay!
It was a sterile procedure, so like a surgery in my own hospital room. They taped my arm down, covered me with with drapes, the lady got in a gown, mask, and surgical gloves. I was trying everything I could think of not to burst into tears from the stress of the last 2 hours. After it was put in I had to have chest xrays done to make sure it was placed right. Then they had to adjust it and retake x-rays. After they left I called Adam in the middle of class and said- I don't what class your in or how important it is- Your coming over right now!!
So I left the hospital two days later and during those two days I had to do bloodwork every morning to make sure my hemoglobin didn't drop below an 8. Well, the last day I was there, the lab person screwed up my blood so they had to redraw and run the test, then I had to get dr approval to leave. Well, they forgot to ask the dr if the picline could be removed or if I should be sent home with it and I told the nurses they couldn't touch it until I was walking out the door just in case because I was not going through that mess again!
I waited all day and kept asking my nurse if they had heard anything so I could timeline when I needed to leave. She said - well, you dont really want to leave because your babies are still in NICU, so your last on my list. And then she comes walking in to my room at three and says Ok, you can go and I need your room so pack and be out in ten minutes! I'll put your flowers on the balcony and you can take your stuff with you into the nursery with your babies and wait for someone to pick you up. Well, she wasn't my favorite nurse to say the least! I called Adam and he came right down from school and helped me pack up and leave.
That was my story- here are the kids.
They stayed in the NICU for 6 days. Only Bradley was oxygen and that was for just one day. They were moved to the regular nursery because they were only on monitors. They both had developed jaundice so they had fabric that was funny sunglasses on while under lights. The only problems they had was that they would fall asleep during their feeds so we would have to feed them through a nose tube. Kiersten was faster to eat so their pediatrician said that if she gained weight friday night she could go home saturday morning. Problem was, our pediatrician was not on shift the next day, a very reserved doctor was. The next morning Kiersten gained 16 grams. Because she didnt gain 20 grams, the new doctor refused to discharge her but if she gained 20 grams by that night she could go. Well she gained 40 grams. Another problem the new dr had was she wanted Kiersten to be on neosure formula and she had the nurses look online to see if any stores sold them and they couldnt find any so the dr was extremely nervous. Umm since then I have found it at Target, Walmart, and Walgreens so they must not have looked that hard. Anyways, We came into the hospital to meet the new Dr and she said she cant can't find a good enough reason not to discharge Kiersten and she doesn't like it.
The night before Kiersten was discharged Enloe lets the parents "room-in" the last night of the babies stay. Basically, a nurse comes in every three hours to make sure the baby is doing ok and is being fed- very annoying when they wake you up and the baby isn't even ready to eat! So as soon as she left the nursery, Bradley pulled out his nose tube and ate his whole feed. The nurses left it out to see how he would do and he never needed it again! It was labor day weekend so he could have gone home Sunday but my doctor had the weekend off and the reserved doctor did not want the responsibility of releasing a baby without the other dr's consent so Bradley came home tuesday.
And that is my exhausting two weeks at the hospital!
Bradley was 5lb 13 oz when he was born and Kiersten was 3lb 10oz. As of last week he is 8lb 6oz and she is 6lb 8 oz.
I went to the Doctors the Wednesday before my trip down to Sacramento (where I did get my delicious strawberry slush!) and the doctor said I had pre-eclampsia and put me on bedrest. So the next day I went to Sacramento for my umbilical artery doppler study and the dr said that one of the placentas- he wasn't sure because he couldn't see the membrane walls- had "holes" all over it and whichever baby was getting decreased oxygen and nutrition and the placenta would probably hold out for another week at the most. When they took my blood pressure at the end of the appointment, because I told him I has pre-eclampia, my blood pressure was dangerously high causing more stress to the unstable baby. So the doctor gave me the choice of staying in Sacramento at UC Davis and having the twins today or drive home to Chico and have my family and friends near and deliver that weekend. He said I was stable enough to go home and if I stayed in Sacramento I might have more stress being away from home so he recommended to go back to chico.
Well, my doctor thought I was staying in Sacramento. I drive straight to the hospital in Chico were they have no orders for me. They put me in a hospital room and wait to hear back from the doctor and I might get transported back down to Sacramento because I am only 33 weeks. So my dr decides to keep me in Chico and to deliver the babies Saturday after two days of steroid injections for theirs lungs to develop. Kiersten was too small and fragile to deliver naturally so I had a c-section. Saturday morning was extremely hectic and I was on a medicine that made me feel horrible, extremely hot, and VERY thirsty. They said I couldn't have anything to eat or drink after midnight and I was so thirsty I kept begging my nurse for ice chips it was really funny because I had never been so desperate in my entire life!
My c-section was rough! By this point I didn't care about needles anymore because I had already had two IV catheters, multiple unsuccessful IV sticks, and at least two blood draws. So the surgery sets up and the spinal block was in place and we were jut waiting for it to take affect and me to be numb so they kept asking can you feel this-poke- yep! so about the 4th time I said, umm a little less- OK! Lets start the surgery! So they start and I can feel on my right side and I start freaking out because Adam isn't in there and I can feel what they were doing. They brought Adam in and he did his best to distract me and it just wasn't working so after two additional doses on anesthesia they kicked Adam out and put me under. They had taken the babies out at this point so Adam followed the nurses and went with the babies while my doctor closed me up under general anesthesia.
I woke up two hours later with horrible shakes and a sore throat. I was so afraid to see the babies because I thought if I held them I would drop them because I was shaking so badly. They went and got Adam because I was somewhat coherent. He had two polariod pictures of the babies and he told me about how they were doing and said when they were born they both were not breathing because I had so much anesthesia. They intubated Kiersten and a second later she pulled it out, so they put a CPAP on her nose which is an oxygen device that forces air into the lungs. That lasted maybe five minutes so all she had on her was an IV line in her umbilical stump. Bradley had a cpap still on and an IV line also. So with that information he said- guess which baby is which...and then the nurse said Bradley is this one!! pointing to a picture- she ruined the surprise but it was ok since I was still kinda out of it.
While in surgery and recovering I hemorrhaged and I had to have 2 transfusions. By the point they realized that my hemoglobin was still dropping, they had already taken out my IV. I had three nurses try for over an hour to find a vein on both arms. Someone who specialized putting IV's in gave me the choice of an IV in my neck or a pic-line. Can you guess which one I went for?? There is no way that I would sit still and not freak out for an iv being placed in my neck! So a picline is a two foot catheter that goes in your bicep into your vein and travels to the artery in your lungs. It is usually reserved for long term patients or those in Intensive care but since my hemoglobin was a 6 and for women the normal is in between 12-15, I had to have one put in. I think that was the scariest part of my whole stay!
It was a sterile procedure, so like a surgery in my own hospital room. They taped my arm down, covered me with with drapes, the lady got in a gown, mask, and surgical gloves. I was trying everything I could think of not to burst into tears from the stress of the last 2 hours. After it was put in I had to have chest xrays done to make sure it was placed right. Then they had to adjust it and retake x-rays. After they left I called Adam in the middle of class and said- I don't what class your in or how important it is- Your coming over right now!!
So I left the hospital two days later and during those two days I had to do bloodwork every morning to make sure my hemoglobin didn't drop below an 8. Well, the last day I was there, the lab person screwed up my blood so they had to redraw and run the test, then I had to get dr approval to leave. Well, they forgot to ask the dr if the picline could be removed or if I should be sent home with it and I told the nurses they couldn't touch it until I was walking out the door just in case because I was not going through that mess again!
I waited all day and kept asking my nurse if they had heard anything so I could timeline when I needed to leave. She said - well, you dont really want to leave because your babies are still in NICU, so your last on my list. And then she comes walking in to my room at three and says Ok, you can go and I need your room so pack and be out in ten minutes! I'll put your flowers on the balcony and you can take your stuff with you into the nursery with your babies and wait for someone to pick you up. Well, she wasn't my favorite nurse to say the least! I called Adam and he came right down from school and helped me pack up and leave.
That was my story- here are the kids.
They stayed in the NICU for 6 days. Only Bradley was oxygen and that was for just one day. They were moved to the regular nursery because they were only on monitors. They both had developed jaundice so they had fabric that was funny sunglasses on while under lights. The only problems they had was that they would fall asleep during their feeds so we would have to feed them through a nose tube. Kiersten was faster to eat so their pediatrician said that if she gained weight friday night she could go home saturday morning. Problem was, our pediatrician was not on shift the next day, a very reserved doctor was. The next morning Kiersten gained 16 grams. Because she didnt gain 20 grams, the new doctor refused to discharge her but if she gained 20 grams by that night she could go. Well she gained 40 grams. Another problem the new dr had was she wanted Kiersten to be on neosure formula and she had the nurses look online to see if any stores sold them and they couldnt find any so the dr was extremely nervous. Umm since then I have found it at Target, Walmart, and Walgreens so they must not have looked that hard. Anyways, We came into the hospital to meet the new Dr and she said she cant can't find a good enough reason not to discharge Kiersten and she doesn't like it.
The night before Kiersten was discharged Enloe lets the parents "room-in" the last night of the babies stay. Basically, a nurse comes in every three hours to make sure the baby is doing ok and is being fed- very annoying when they wake you up and the baby isn't even ready to eat! So as soon as she left the nursery, Bradley pulled out his nose tube and ate his whole feed. The nurses left it out to see how he would do and he never needed it again! It was labor day weekend so he could have gone home Sunday but my doctor had the weekend off and the reserved doctor did not want the responsibility of releasing a baby without the other dr's consent so Bradley came home tuesday.
And that is my exhausting two weeks at the hospital!
Bradley was 5lb 13 oz when he was born and Kiersten was 3lb 10oz. As of last week he is 8lb 6oz and she is 6lb 8 oz.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Another appointment...
So update from yesterday-
I now have another appointment every week for an umbilical artery doppler study for Kiersten. I had one yesterday while at my ultrasound so I need to have one next week. The problem is, the company I have to have my ultrasounds through is based out of Sacramento and they only come to Chico once a week and are already booked. SO we have to drive to Sacramento next week for our next study but hopefully we can book the remaining studies in Chico for the following weeks. So I have added 3 extra appointments a week in the last week alone! Haha, it'll be worth it. I'm just happy that it isn't her organs or any structure that requires surgery and a long recovery time!
The reason we have to go through the Sacramento practice is because Chico does not have anybody with high-tech equipment to do these ultrasounds.
So, I'm headed to Sac next week where I will get the largest Sonic's Strawberry Slush available that I will cherish while I devour it!!! And hey, I have an air conditioned car now! This might not be too bad.
I now have another appointment every week for an umbilical artery doppler study for Kiersten. I had one yesterday while at my ultrasound so I need to have one next week. The problem is, the company I have to have my ultrasounds through is based out of Sacramento and they only come to Chico once a week and are already booked. SO we have to drive to Sacramento next week for our next study but hopefully we can book the remaining studies in Chico for the following weeks. So I have added 3 extra appointments a week in the last week alone! Haha, it'll be worth it. I'm just happy that it isn't her organs or any structure that requires surgery and a long recovery time!
The reason we have to go through the Sacramento practice is because Chico does not have anybody with high-tech equipment to do these ultrasounds.
So, I'm headed to Sac next week where I will get the largest Sonic's Strawberry Slush available that I will cherish while I devour it!!! And hey, I have an air conditioned car now! This might not be too bad.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
My week of appointments
Its been a tough week! Monday started it with my headache and scared the heck out of me. Yesterday I went for my non-stress tests and the boy almost failed because his heart wouldn't go 15 beats above baseline. The nurse stood there the entire time and it kept me wondering why she wasn't leaving and then she started gently moving my stomach on the right side and I finally asked- sooo what exactly are you doing? She said trying to make his heart go 15 above because it had only gone 10 above till this point. Well right then it went 15 above and I laughed and said, all you had to do was ask him! Then five minutes later my test was over so we made that one by the skin of our teeth haha.
So today we had a scare with our ultrasound. I think I took it more grimly because our technician was rude and she just rubbed me the wrong way. I asked why is it so dark? My last three haven't been this dark! She said, well hun, I don't know what you want me to tell you and I don't know what your looking for. Techs have their different setting and preferences.
So she spent a long time on the umbilical cord of twin B- AKA our little girl, and then she asked me to hold my breath which I thought was really weird. So after a while and a few tests of bloodflow she moved on.
The Doctor came in to go over results and she said that our girl wasn't having proper blood exchange in her cord and that the flow wasn't as good as it could be. It could probably be because the cord is in a tight spot or that her placenta is giving out. I'll fax this to your dr now and he'll go over what the game plan is. If you haven't delivered in 4 weeks, which you probably will, reschedule for another measurement.
...What?? I freaked! So I called my stepmom who I go to for comfort usually and she freaked me out even more!! So I try to get a hold of my dr and say please call me tonight!! All I know is that the placenta could be giving out and this might be why she is so much smaller than the boy. Well, that's not too comforting! The dr finally calls back and says, hmm haven't gotten a fax in yet so did she say to go to the hospital? No. Did she say to be on bedrest? No. Well what did she say? Well, that you would go over it and tell me what to do. Well, it can't be that bad if she left it up for me.
So he's going to go over it tomorrow and then I'll get a call. I'm worried, but at the same time, every blessing that I have had since I've been pregnant said that my babies would be healthy. So in the meantime, the non-stress tests are the best thing I can do.
So Bradley is 4lb13 oz and Kiertsen is 3lb 8 oz. Geez! He is 3 oz shy of five pounds!! can you imagine if he went another 8 weeks? He would be 10 pounds by himself!
Soo happy thoughts until I talk to my dr again : /
So today we had a scare with our ultrasound. I think I took it more grimly because our technician was rude and she just rubbed me the wrong way. I asked why is it so dark? My last three haven't been this dark! She said, well hun, I don't know what you want me to tell you and I don't know what your looking for. Techs have their different setting and preferences.
So she spent a long time on the umbilical cord of twin B- AKA our little girl, and then she asked me to hold my breath which I thought was really weird. So after a while and a few tests of bloodflow she moved on.
The Doctor came in to go over results and she said that our girl wasn't having proper blood exchange in her cord and that the flow wasn't as good as it could be. It could probably be because the cord is in a tight spot or that her placenta is giving out. I'll fax this to your dr now and he'll go over what the game plan is. If you haven't delivered in 4 weeks, which you probably will, reschedule for another measurement.
...What?? I freaked! So I called my stepmom who I go to for comfort usually and she freaked me out even more!! So I try to get a hold of my dr and say please call me tonight!! All I know is that the placenta could be giving out and this might be why she is so much smaller than the boy. Well, that's not too comforting! The dr finally calls back and says, hmm haven't gotten a fax in yet so did she say to go to the hospital? No. Did she say to be on bedrest? No. Well what did she say? Well, that you would go over it and tell me what to do. Well, it can't be that bad if she left it up for me.
So he's going to go over it tomorrow and then I'll get a call. I'm worried, but at the same time, every blessing that I have had since I've been pregnant said that my babies would be healthy. So in the meantime, the non-stress tests are the best thing I can do.
So Bradley is 4lb13 oz and Kiertsen is 3lb 8 oz. Geez! He is 3 oz shy of five pounds!! can you imagine if he went another 8 weeks? He would be 10 pounds by himself!
Soo happy thoughts until I talk to my dr again : /
Monday, August 17, 2009
Appts out my ears!
What a busy week! And they are getting busier....
My doctor wants me to do the non-stress tests twice a week until I deliver. So I will have three appts a week. Then Adam is going to the Chiropractor three times a week and he starts school next week. Aaaah! SO busy!!!
At my last appt the Dr measured me and I grew 6cm in TWO WEEKS. so I am now 44cm and i sure do feel it! With all the stares...I was at the mall this weekend and I passed a group of teens and they said holy cow did you see how big she was?? So I turned around and said why thank you! And yes, I did hear that!! I feel like not going out in public anymore. I think I'll stick only to church, meetings, and Dr appts.
So I had a baby shower this Saturday. Not that many people showed up but I had a lot of fun! We played a game were you molded a baby out of bubble gum. I wanted to do it also just for fun although I had to judge. Mine turned out horrible! The first was supposed to be a baby crawling which turned out to look like a flea. The second attempt was a swaddled baby which looked like a blob. So Kimberely and Julia tied. Kimberely made a set of b/g twins and Julia made a very detailed baby with clothes, hair, and a pacifier. They were very cute! Everyone said that Kimberely cheated with the twins haha.
Adam went on a camping retreat with the Band Staff to plan the next years band activities. Boy was I nervous! Two and a half days without him and absolutly no cell phone reception! What worried me the most was Sunday afternoon checkout was at 2 and it was a two hour drive according to mapquest. So five rolls around and his cell is dead so can't get ahold of him and the guy he is driving up there with has his phone off too. I ended up leaving a note and going over to Stacie's for dinner without him and just waited for him to call because it was better than sitting and waiting at home.
So while at church Sunday I met a new person who moved into our ward- Adam's new teacher at the University who is in charge of music education- which is what Adam is majoring in. So I ditched my normal classes to get to know her a little better. She seems really nice and enjoyed having me go with her to RS. It was funny, I was excited that she was in our ward so I did a no-no and texted Adam during sacrament meeting haha.
So Anyways...I had a bad day today! I woke up this morning and I could not get out of bed because I was in so much pain! I had to wait till Adam got home at 8:30 to help me out of bed and then I could barely walk down the hall! Every joint hurt and I couldnt bend my hands to move my pillow where I wanted it. I tried picking up a pillow off the floor and it hurt soo bad because I couldnt grasp on to it. I also had a really bad headache for a couple of hours and had to make phone calls which really hurt! My stepmom told me that headaches were bad news being preggo so I went to the dr's to get my bp checked and my first was 168 then when she re-did it the 2nd was 140/70 which is still high for me. So I was told to go home and stay in bed all day and take tylenol and if my headache didnt go away then I was to go to the hosp. But since I am already going to the hospital tomorrow for monitoring I didn't want to go in for my small dull headache because it did get better from that morning and I didn't want to be there for hours tonight because I'll be there for at least an hour and a half tomorrow.
Well, I am going to go to bed because its way passed my bedtime :)
My doctor wants me to do the non-stress tests twice a week until I deliver. So I will have three appts a week. Then Adam is going to the Chiropractor three times a week and he starts school next week. Aaaah! SO busy!!!
At my last appt the Dr measured me and I grew 6cm in TWO WEEKS. so I am now 44cm and i sure do feel it! With all the stares...I was at the mall this weekend and I passed a group of teens and they said holy cow did you see how big she was?? So I turned around and said why thank you! And yes, I did hear that!! I feel like not going out in public anymore. I think I'll stick only to church, meetings, and Dr appts.
So I had a baby shower this Saturday. Not that many people showed up but I had a lot of fun! We played a game were you molded a baby out of bubble gum. I wanted to do it also just for fun although I had to judge. Mine turned out horrible! The first was supposed to be a baby crawling which turned out to look like a flea. The second attempt was a swaddled baby which looked like a blob. So Kimberely and Julia tied. Kimberely made a set of b/g twins and Julia made a very detailed baby with clothes, hair, and a pacifier. They were very cute! Everyone said that Kimberely cheated with the twins haha.
Adam went on a camping retreat with the Band Staff to plan the next years band activities. Boy was I nervous! Two and a half days without him and absolutly no cell phone reception! What worried me the most was Sunday afternoon checkout was at 2 and it was a two hour drive according to mapquest. So five rolls around and his cell is dead so can't get ahold of him and the guy he is driving up there with has his phone off too. I ended up leaving a note and going over to Stacie's for dinner without him and just waited for him to call because it was better than sitting and waiting at home.
So while at church Sunday I met a new person who moved into our ward- Adam's new teacher at the University who is in charge of music education- which is what Adam is majoring in. So I ditched my normal classes to get to know her a little better. She seems really nice and enjoyed having me go with her to RS. It was funny, I was excited that she was in our ward so I did a no-no and texted Adam during sacrament meeting haha.
So Anyways...I had a bad day today! I woke up this morning and I could not get out of bed because I was in so much pain! I had to wait till Adam got home at 8:30 to help me out of bed and then I could barely walk down the hall! Every joint hurt and I couldnt bend my hands to move my pillow where I wanted it. I tried picking up a pillow off the floor and it hurt soo bad because I couldnt grasp on to it. I also had a really bad headache for a couple of hours and had to make phone calls which really hurt! My stepmom told me that headaches were bad news being preggo so I went to the dr's to get my bp checked and my first was 168 then when she re-did it the 2nd was 140/70 which is still high for me. So I was told to go home and stay in bed all day and take tylenol and if my headache didnt go away then I was to go to the hosp. But since I am already going to the hospital tomorrow for monitoring I didn't want to go in for my small dull headache because it did get better from that morning and I didn't want to be there for hours tonight because I'll be there for at least an hour and a half tomorrow.
Well, I am going to go to bed because its way passed my bedtime :)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
So lately I have been really worried about gathering all the things we need for our twins. All we had was a crib under construction, a dresser, car seats, and clothes. When we had our shower in Modesto we got a lot of nice things but not our major essentials.
I had been depressed lately from all the mix of hormones, stress, and being miserable from being so huge! (I grew 6 cm in two weeks from my last appt- huge jump!!) So today was a particularly bad day because I ached all over and just let stress break me down and I started crying. I had a meeting to go to tonight but because my feet and legs are so swollen I decided to stay home instead. And besides, Adam has to go to work at midnight tonight so that would mean I would have to drive myself to the meeting and I hate driving the stick.
So Adam and I went to bed around 7:30 so he could wake up early and I left my cell phone in the living room and I had a feeling I should go and get my phone but didn't. So around 9 we heard knocking on the door and they wouldn't stop knocking. At first we thought, they'll go away but the knocking got louder and kept going. So I sent Adam out to investigate and thought I should get dressed too and see what was going on.
Well, two sisters at the meeting that I go to knew that I was having a tough time gathering things so they asked their ward for any baby things they had and they had borrowed a truck to drop everything off. I wasn't answering my cell so they couldn't warn me that they were coming over and because they were borrowing a truck, they had to drop it off tonight. They had collected so much stuff from their ward for me!! They brought two pack and plays, two bouncers, and tub full of just boy clothes, a bag that has several things of formula, and other things. One of the bouncers was older so they made a new cover with jungle animals and new dangles and it turned out soo cute! I am so grateful for the boy clothes because we had only gathered a majority of girl clothes up to this point. Also Krisha gave me a box earlier in the week of some much needed cute church clothes for boys.
I am so grateful to be a member of the church!! If it wasn't for the church, I would not have met so many wonderful people from our ward and stake who have provided so many things for us. I am grateful to pay tithing because every month we have been able to get all of our bills paid by some unexpected means. I am just SOOO GRATEFUL right now and all of these blessings could not have come at a better time! It is so touching that when I was at my lowest yet the Lord provided for us. What a testimony builder!!
I had been depressed lately from all the mix of hormones, stress, and being miserable from being so huge! (I grew 6 cm in two weeks from my last appt- huge jump!!) So today was a particularly bad day because I ached all over and just let stress break me down and I started crying. I had a meeting to go to tonight but because my feet and legs are so swollen I decided to stay home instead. And besides, Adam has to go to work at midnight tonight so that would mean I would have to drive myself to the meeting and I hate driving the stick.
So Adam and I went to bed around 7:30 so he could wake up early and I left my cell phone in the living room and I had a feeling I should go and get my phone but didn't. So around 9 we heard knocking on the door and they wouldn't stop knocking. At first we thought, they'll go away but the knocking got louder and kept going. So I sent Adam out to investigate and thought I should get dressed too and see what was going on.
Well, two sisters at the meeting that I go to knew that I was having a tough time gathering things so they asked their ward for any baby things they had and they had borrowed a truck to drop everything off. I wasn't answering my cell so they couldn't warn me that they were coming over and because they were borrowing a truck, they had to drop it off tonight. They had collected so much stuff from their ward for me!! They brought two pack and plays, two bouncers, and tub full of just boy clothes, a bag that has several things of formula, and other things. One of the bouncers was older so they made a new cover with jungle animals and new dangles and it turned out soo cute! I am so grateful for the boy clothes because we had only gathered a majority of girl clothes up to this point. Also Krisha gave me a box earlier in the week of some much needed cute church clothes for boys.
I am so grateful to be a member of the church!! If it wasn't for the church, I would not have met so many wonderful people from our ward and stake who have provided so many things for us. I am grateful to pay tithing because every month we have been able to get all of our bills paid by some unexpected means. I am just SOOO GRATEFUL right now and all of these blessings could not have come at a better time! It is so touching that when I was at my lowest yet the Lord provided for us. What a testimony builder!!
Friday, July 24, 2009
latest ultrasound and tangents
Once again, I'm up at 4:30. I think this is the only time I blog.
So we had an ultrasound on Wednesday to check up on the twins. Kiersten is very shy and doesn't like to be viewed much. She kept turning away from the ultrasound and it was really hard to get all of her measurements. That and she is right under my ribs as high as she could be. When the tech went to do measurements of her face she switched over to 3D to get a picture and there is a hand covering her whole face! I don't know how to post pictures on here or else I would- its so cute! I posted it on facebook.
The boy, Brad, was just the opposite of his sister! We got a very cute 3D picture of him and he stayed still for the most part of the measurements. We had to chase him a little but nothing like what Kiersten was doing! We had to stop and wait multiple times for her.
After the tech was done the Dr came in to go over the results with me and to check on a couple things himself. He scared the heck out of me! He barged in the room and quickly sat down at the machine. I thought something was really wrong by how fast he was moving. Then when he went to ultrasound, he dug the wand in my belly and I thought I was gonna die! He just checked the heartbeats on both then asked three health questions about me and left. He was there maybe 5 minutes top.
So the twins weigh 2 pounds 8 oz and 3 pounds 4 oz. Which is not what I really wanted to hear. I was really hoping she weighed more than that. Brad is the bigger one weighing 3/4 of a pound more.
So anyways. I started getting braxton hicks this week. Sunday was the first day and I had no clue how many was normal or if they were normal at all! I scared my stepmom because I kept trying to get ahold of her all afternoon and when she got back to me she though I was in labor because she had 3 missed calls. But anyways, I have still been having some but not nearly as many as Sunday. Whenever I ask someone about how to tell the difference inbetween braxton hicks and labor they always say, you'll just know. It's just something that when it happens, you'll know. It makes me laugh because that is always the response so I guess, I'll just wait and find out!
So the last week or so I have really been worrying about preterm labor, well, I guess it started on the 4th of July I was talking to a random lady at the Bidwell Park celebrations and she said her sister had her twins at 6 months. And then I realized, Holy Crap! I'm 6 months! So ever since then I have really been worried about it. I was over at the Doughman's doing laundry this week and Kiertsen and I were looking for something to watch and they had DVR'd the Baby Story Series and one of the episodes was about twins. Well, I got really excited and wanted to watch it so I could see how another family did with their twins and what they chose for labor and all that jazz because I don't know very many people who have had twins. So the episode only further tramatized me! They chose to do a C-section because it was easier (which I didn't want to see because I am really hoping to not have one) and then both babies were at or under 4 pounds and they were both on oxygen and IV's with tubes going everywhere. And then my babies weigh less than hers so I'm freaking out thinking my babies would be much worse. Poor Adam, he's probably tired of me freaking out and stressing but he handles it well and usually can calm me down right away.
So on a lighter note- My friends in Modesto are throwing me a baby shower tomorrow and I am soo excited! I think I am more excited to just see all of my friends than to actually have a shower haha. Tara, my best friend throwing the shower, wasn't getting any rsvp's and so everytime I talked to someone who might go to the shower I would ask them if they were coming, which drove Tara nuts I'm sure :) But I'm just so excited I couldn't help it! I was laying in bed this morning after Adam got up to get ready for work and I couldn't stop thinking about everything we have to fo before we leave, what time lines are like for the two days down, who I had to call still ect. It was driving me nuts so I decided to get out of bed and join Adam while he was getting ready in the living room. And that's why I am writing this blog. If I write everything down that I am thinking about or worrying about it clears my mind so I can think better (and hopefully sleep). So thanks for going along on the ride of my tangent brain. Now I am going to try and sleep before Adam gets home from work.
So we had an ultrasound on Wednesday to check up on the twins. Kiersten is very shy and doesn't like to be viewed much. She kept turning away from the ultrasound and it was really hard to get all of her measurements. That and she is right under my ribs as high as she could be. When the tech went to do measurements of her face she switched over to 3D to get a picture and there is a hand covering her whole face! I don't know how to post pictures on here or else I would- its so cute! I posted it on facebook.
The boy, Brad, was just the opposite of his sister! We got a very cute 3D picture of him and he stayed still for the most part of the measurements. We had to chase him a little but nothing like what Kiersten was doing! We had to stop and wait multiple times for her.
After the tech was done the Dr came in to go over the results with me and to check on a couple things himself. He scared the heck out of me! He barged in the room and quickly sat down at the machine. I thought something was really wrong by how fast he was moving. Then when he went to ultrasound, he dug the wand in my belly and I thought I was gonna die! He just checked the heartbeats on both then asked three health questions about me and left. He was there maybe 5 minutes top.
So the twins weigh 2 pounds 8 oz and 3 pounds 4 oz. Which is not what I really wanted to hear. I was really hoping she weighed more than that. Brad is the bigger one weighing 3/4 of a pound more.
So anyways. I started getting braxton hicks this week. Sunday was the first day and I had no clue how many was normal or if they were normal at all! I scared my stepmom because I kept trying to get ahold of her all afternoon and when she got back to me she though I was in labor because she had 3 missed calls. But anyways, I have still been having some but not nearly as many as Sunday. Whenever I ask someone about how to tell the difference inbetween braxton hicks and labor they always say, you'll just know. It's just something that when it happens, you'll know. It makes me laugh because that is always the response so I guess, I'll just wait and find out!
So the last week or so I have really been worrying about preterm labor, well, I guess it started on the 4th of July I was talking to a random lady at the Bidwell Park celebrations and she said her sister had her twins at 6 months. And then I realized, Holy Crap! I'm 6 months! So ever since then I have really been worried about it. I was over at the Doughman's doing laundry this week and Kiertsen and I were looking for something to watch and they had DVR'd the Baby Story Series and one of the episodes was about twins. Well, I got really excited and wanted to watch it so I could see how another family did with their twins and what they chose for labor and all that jazz because I don't know very many people who have had twins. So the episode only further tramatized me! They chose to do a C-section because it was easier (which I didn't want to see because I am really hoping to not have one) and then both babies were at or under 4 pounds and they were both on oxygen and IV's with tubes going everywhere. And then my babies weigh less than hers so I'm freaking out thinking my babies would be much worse. Poor Adam, he's probably tired of me freaking out and stressing but he handles it well and usually can calm me down right away.
So on a lighter note- My friends in Modesto are throwing me a baby shower tomorrow and I am soo excited! I think I am more excited to just see all of my friends than to actually have a shower haha. Tara, my best friend throwing the shower, wasn't getting any rsvp's and so everytime I talked to someone who might go to the shower I would ask them if they were coming, which drove Tara nuts I'm sure :) But I'm just so excited I couldn't help it! I was laying in bed this morning after Adam got up to get ready for work and I couldn't stop thinking about everything we have to fo before we leave, what time lines are like for the two days down, who I had to call still ect. It was driving me nuts so I decided to get out of bed and join Adam while he was getting ready in the living room. And that's why I am writing this blog. If I write everything down that I am thinking about or worrying about it clears my mind so I can think better (and hopefully sleep). So thanks for going along on the ride of my tangent brain. Now I am going to try and sleep before Adam gets home from work.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
My ribs are killing me!
So it has been a really busy week! My Dad flew out from Maryland and stayed about 12 hours. He came to California to go to girl's camp with the ward I grew up in. So I was a pit stop on his adventure. We made the caramels which I had been craving for the last 7 months, which were so yummy that they are already ALL gone. But in my defense we shared them with our cousins : )
Anyways, This last week we have had 6 appts these last 3 days alone!! I had my blood drawn on Monday morning (which the dextrose drink made me sicker than a dog!) But never the less, I passed my glucose test!! YAY!! I was so worried about that! Anyways, Adam and I started Lamaze and labor information class. Poor Adam, he was bored to death during the class because it was info on c- sections, epidurals, and fetal monitoring. But anyways, we decided to do lamaze this early because I don't expect nor want to go to October and August I think I will be on bedrest with twins.
So I had another appt this afternoon and my ribs have been killing me for 2 days now! They hurt so bad!! So the lower baby was breach and kicking my bladder but in this ultrasound, the lower baby has turned around to help their sibling and join in the fun of kicking my ribs. Oh man! It hurts! I have tried everything to move them! Well, nearly. After I finish this I am going swimming and am very happy to go!!
Well, anyways...I hate this heat. But I love coming home because we leave the air running and its just soo refreshing to come into the cool house! That or to walk into a building. Well, au revior! I'm going swimming!
Anyways, This last week we have had 6 appts these last 3 days alone!! I had my blood drawn on Monday morning (which the dextrose drink made me sicker than a dog!) But never the less, I passed my glucose test!! YAY!! I was so worried about that! Anyways, Adam and I started Lamaze and labor information class. Poor Adam, he was bored to death during the class because it was info on c- sections, epidurals, and fetal monitoring. But anyways, we decided to do lamaze this early because I don't expect nor want to go to October and August I think I will be on bedrest with twins.
So I had another appt this afternoon and my ribs have been killing me for 2 days now! They hurt so bad!! So the lower baby was breach and kicking my bladder but in this ultrasound, the lower baby has turned around to help their sibling and join in the fun of kicking my ribs. Oh man! It hurts! I have tried everything to move them! Well, nearly. After I finish this I am going swimming and am very happy to go!!
Well, anyways...I hate this heat. But I love coming home because we leave the air running and its just soo refreshing to come into the cool house! That or to walk into a building. Well, au revior! I'm going swimming!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Blog guilt...
I woke up about 2 hours ago with a huge headache, sore throat and a stuffy nose...Great. So now I am waiting for Adam to get up for work (he'll join me in about 15 minutes) Adam works at Target unloading the trucks and stocking the shelves.
Anyways, I've just been up reading various blogs thinking that reading will make me sleepy but it actually made me even more awake. So after reading I feel guilty about my own blog! Normal blogs are just updates on life, kids, work, whatever. Mine is a random tangent mess. Oh well! Although, reading blogs made me want to take more pictures of life and write more about Bradley and Kiersten (our twins).
So the newest update with our babies is yesterday I realized we are going to have a very pretty boy! We have started to collect baby clothes from friends and my sister and we have only girl clothes!! Well, I bought some boy clothes off of craigslist but its a fraction to all the girl clothes we have. I got a bag of baby clothes from my friends sister in law and I thought they were going to be boy clothes because I thought she had a boy for some reason. Anyways- there were tons of pink outfits and I started laughing and said to Adam- we are gonna have a naked boy or a very pretty boy haha. I am very grateful for all the help and items we've been getting for our babies. Our ward has been absolutly awesome! I think this is my favorite ward that I have lived in.
So I last blogged about me having another Dr's app't. It went really well. I told the Dr that I feel so big and my hips hurt so badly. He laughed and said well, your gonna feel 12 mo pregnant by the time your done because your already measuring at 8 months for a single baby. On the ultrasound it showed the twins had their heads together in the middle and their feet at each end. I think Kiersten is the one who is kicking me the most at the top of my belly and bradley is the villian who kicks my bladder! That is one of the wierdest feelings when he kicks there! It is fun watching the babies move around and seeing the bumps all over my tummy. I keep trying to get Adam to watch the bumps but he always looks away right before it happens. You know one of the funniest things is when you try to get someone to feel and the babies stop moving right when they touch your belly. Happens all the time for Adam. Sometimes when they wont stop moving so I can get comfortable, I tell Adam to come calm down the kids because they stop moving so quickly when he's there.
Well, I think that's all for now. Adam just got up for work so I'm gonna go.
Anyways, I've just been up reading various blogs thinking that reading will make me sleepy but it actually made me even more awake. So after reading I feel guilty about my own blog! Normal blogs are just updates on life, kids, work, whatever. Mine is a random tangent mess. Oh well! Although, reading blogs made me want to take more pictures of life and write more about Bradley and Kiersten (our twins).
So the newest update with our babies is yesterday I realized we are going to have a very pretty boy! We have started to collect baby clothes from friends and my sister and we have only girl clothes!! Well, I bought some boy clothes off of craigslist but its a fraction to all the girl clothes we have. I got a bag of baby clothes from my friends sister in law and I thought they were going to be boy clothes because I thought she had a boy for some reason. Anyways- there were tons of pink outfits and I started laughing and said to Adam- we are gonna have a naked boy or a very pretty boy haha. I am very grateful for all the help and items we've been getting for our babies. Our ward has been absolutly awesome! I think this is my favorite ward that I have lived in.
So I last blogged about me having another Dr's app't. It went really well. I told the Dr that I feel so big and my hips hurt so badly. He laughed and said well, your gonna feel 12 mo pregnant by the time your done because your already measuring at 8 months for a single baby. On the ultrasound it showed the twins had their heads together in the middle and their feet at each end. I think Kiersten is the one who is kicking me the most at the top of my belly and bradley is the villian who kicks my bladder! That is one of the wierdest feelings when he kicks there! It is fun watching the babies move around and seeing the bumps all over my tummy. I keep trying to get Adam to watch the bumps but he always looks away right before it happens. You know one of the funniest things is when you try to get someone to feel and the babies stop moving right when they touch your belly. Happens all the time for Adam. Sometimes when they wont stop moving so I can get comfortable, I tell Adam to come calm down the kids because they stop moving so quickly when he's there.
Well, I think that's all for now. Adam just got up for work so I'm gonna go.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Summer is just to hot for me! I love whoever invented air conditioning!
So this week was our 2 year anniversary. We didn't do much, I made home made pizza from scratch and then I made a cake. We didn't go anywhere because it was too hot outside and I can't really hike any trails aaaaand we couldn't think of anything else to do so we stayed home and played board games. Which is always fun because we have a LOT of board games. Random side note: We love board games so much that all our gifts we exchanged for Christmas were games except for one gift each.
My favorite board game is called Quelf. It is soo random that you can't really get a group to vote for playing that one but it fits me perfectly if you have been reading my blogs! His favorite games including strategy and tons of thinking- like risk and I don't like to think really hard to have fun playing a game. OK so back to this week...
I have a doctor's appointment today where I will have another ultrasound. I think I have had around 10, I've lost track. I have only been to one appointment where I haven't had one and my M-I-L was happy because our kids are "going to come out green" because I have too many. Buuut ultrasounds are sound waves- not gamma rays but I didn't want say anything.
Speaking of green- Chico is crazy! I have never seen a city so paranoid about recycling and using your own grocery bags! Btw, grocery stores give discounts for bringing your own grocery bags- Found that out in Chico! We went to a green baby expo ( i was excited and thought it was just a baby expo) and they had at least 5 booths for cloth diapers. They are so expensive! The cheapest is $15 for just one diaper. The normal ones that "fit all but newborns" is $30/ single diaper. I was thinking about doing cloth before I knew the prices and before I moved out of my apartment that had a W/D now- there is no way!
So we found one useful booth- there is a Moms of Multiple club in chico that meets once a month. But their next meeting isn't until August because of so many people being gone for summer.
Well, I had better get ready to go to my appointment! Thanks for the ramble!
So this week was our 2 year anniversary. We didn't do much, I made home made pizza from scratch and then I made a cake. We didn't go anywhere because it was too hot outside and I can't really hike any trails aaaaand we couldn't think of anything else to do so we stayed home and played board games. Which is always fun because we have a LOT of board games. Random side note: We love board games so much that all our gifts we exchanged for Christmas were games except for one gift each.
My favorite board game is called Quelf. It is soo random that you can't really get a group to vote for playing that one but it fits me perfectly if you have been reading my blogs! His favorite games including strategy and tons of thinking- like risk and I don't like to think really hard to have fun playing a game. OK so back to this week...
I have a doctor's appointment today where I will have another ultrasound. I think I have had around 10, I've lost track. I have only been to one appointment where I haven't had one and my M-I-L was happy because our kids are "going to come out green" because I have too many. Buuut ultrasounds are sound waves- not gamma rays but I didn't want say anything.
Speaking of green- Chico is crazy! I have never seen a city so paranoid about recycling and using your own grocery bags! Btw, grocery stores give discounts for bringing your own grocery bags- Found that out in Chico! We went to a green baby expo ( i was excited and thought it was just a baby expo) and they had at least 5 booths for cloth diapers. They are so expensive! The cheapest is $15 for just one diaper. The normal ones that "fit all but newborns" is $30/ single diaper. I was thinking about doing cloth before I knew the prices and before I moved out of my apartment that had a W/D now- there is no way!
So we found one useful booth- there is a Moms of Multiple club in chico that meets once a month. But their next meeting isn't until August because of so many people being gone for summer.
Well, I had better get ready to go to my appointment! Thanks for the ramble!
Friday, June 26, 2009
So tired...
I have been up for hours...this is ridiculous. I guess this is God's way of preparing you for a baby by making you pee every hour through the night because you'll be up that much when they come. So now I'm laying in bed, trying to comfortable because my hips are hurting worse day by day, and something is making a banging noise outside... So I move to the living room to sleep... the water is dripping in the bathroom and is louder out here than in my bedroom or the refrigerator is running. Maybe I should read my book and it'll drone me to sleep.
Oh, and I am suddenly really craving sour candy- you know the long skinny strips? I have no clue what they are called because I hate sour candy but I feel like calling Adam and telling him to pick me some up while he is at work. I am craving so bad, I'm thinking about sucking on a preggo pop that Corrina gave me because there is a sour lemon flavor... maybe I'll just eat cheerios and hope for this craving to die away....
So twin update-
There is some major sibling rivalry going on and they are beating me up! They were both kicking so hard on Tuesday that I had to stand up and walk around to make them stop. Last night I was in a meeting and someone sitting next to me asked me after wards- so which one was kicking? I kept seeing bumps come up the entire meeting. I replied- I have absolutely no clue because they move around so much, I don't know who is where!
I guess this is what I get for wishing them to move more about a month ago. I was going crazy trying to make them move so I could feel them and now, I'm ready for them to stop! Haha. I bet Corrina is laughing at me right now... Anyways!
I'm super hungry and super tired! So hopefully goodnight!
Oh, and I am suddenly really craving sour candy- you know the long skinny strips? I have no clue what they are called because I hate sour candy but I feel like calling Adam and telling him to pick me some up while he is at work. I am craving so bad, I'm thinking about sucking on a preggo pop that Corrina gave me because there is a sour lemon flavor... maybe I'll just eat cheerios and hope for this craving to die away....
So twin update-
There is some major sibling rivalry going on and they are beating me up! They were both kicking so hard on Tuesday that I had to stand up and walk around to make them stop. Last night I was in a meeting and someone sitting next to me asked me after wards- so which one was kicking? I kept seeing bumps come up the entire meeting. I replied- I have absolutely no clue because they move around so much, I don't know who is where!
I guess this is what I get for wishing them to move more about a month ago. I was going crazy trying to make them move so I could feel them and now, I'm ready for them to stop! Haha. I bet Corrina is laughing at me right now... Anyways!
I'm super hungry and super tired! So hopefully goodnight!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Random facts and things about me.
So, I haven't done a blog in a really long time, and the last one was not very successful because it lasted 3 entries and died. But then again, that was on Myspace and mypace sucks. So anwyays- anyone who is going to read this already knows me but I'm going to give a blurb about me anyways! I am 21 and married to a wonderful guy for the last 2 years. I am pregnant with twins- a boy and girl and they are our first two. I'll talk more about our twins later because I guess that's why I am starting a blog!
I LOVE baking and expirimenting with baking. I love gazing at the stars outside of city limits. I love animals and working with them but I hate working for Veterinary Hospitals and I am too scared to work at a pound because I would bring home a lot of animals. Maybe a wildlife reserve would be fun...
I really miss my friends in Modesto. I miss driving like a maniac to Adam's house and back with Tara singing at the top of our lungs and going to random parks at night time. But, a new phase in my life I guess. I love being married and out on my own and starting a family.
Lets see, what else is random that doesn't matter at all to you the reader... I get very random thoughts- alot. I found while house-siting for my inlaws that I hate living in the country because "coyotes will eat me" I refuse to go outdoors at night because I think they are watching me. However- one of my life goals is to make a pond and have ducks so I can go feed the ducks whenever I want. And maybe a farm or property would be nice because I can have all the animals I want- including a pig. I have wanted a pig since I was 5 so for the last 17 years. I almost got a pig when my dad moved to Maryland but the Amish weren't selling pigs but they were selling goats,which my dad hates so that wouldn't have worked. Anyways, I would love to live in the country so we could keep any animal that our kids say it "followed me home". Maybe that's where I will fill the gap of working with animals- I'll just be a homemaker and animals care taker. Sounds like fun : )
I hate not having an animal. I told Adam that the first week we buy a house we are going out to get a dog. We have already found out that dogs and apartments don't mix too well. Anywho, I think that this is all for my first blog about the randomness of me.
I LOVE baking and expirimenting with baking. I love gazing at the stars outside of city limits. I love animals and working with them but I hate working for Veterinary Hospitals and I am too scared to work at a pound because I would bring home a lot of animals. Maybe a wildlife reserve would be fun...
I really miss my friends in Modesto. I miss driving like a maniac to Adam's house and back with Tara singing at the top of our lungs and going to random parks at night time. But, a new phase in my life I guess. I love being married and out on my own and starting a family.
Lets see, what else is random that doesn't matter at all to you the reader... I get very random thoughts- alot. I found while house-siting for my inlaws that I hate living in the country because "coyotes will eat me" I refuse to go outdoors at night because I think they are watching me. However- one of my life goals is to make a pond and have ducks so I can go feed the ducks whenever I want. And maybe a farm or property would be nice because I can have all the animals I want- including a pig. I have wanted a pig since I was 5 so for the last 17 years. I almost got a pig when my dad moved to Maryland but the Amish weren't selling pigs but they were selling goats,which my dad hates so that wouldn't have worked. Anyways, I would love to live in the country so we could keep any animal that our kids say it "followed me home". Maybe that's where I will fill the gap of working with animals- I'll just be a homemaker and animals care taker. Sounds like fun : )
I hate not having an animal. I told Adam that the first week we buy a house we are going out to get a dog. We have already found out that dogs and apartments don't mix too well. Anywho, I think that this is all for my first blog about the randomness of me.
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